Prominent Industrial Areas and Mineral Wealth in Himachal Pradesh

Prominent Industrial Areas and Mineral Wealth in Himachal Pradesh

Prominent Industrial Areas

1. Parwanoo, Nalagarh, and Baddi (Solan)

  • These areas are major industrial hubs in Himachal Pradesh, known for their diverse industrial activities, including pharmaceuticals, textiles, electronics, and more.

2. Bilaspur

  • Bilaspur also has significant industrial activities, especially in cement manufacturing due to the rich limestone deposits.

Mineral Wealth of Himachal Pradesh

Limestone (CaCO₂)

Limestone is a key mineral resource in Himachal Pradesh, primarily used in cement manufacturing. The major locations where limestone is found include:

  • Gagal (Bilaspur)
  • Broh Shind (Chamba)
  • Bhudloge (Darlaghat, Solan)
  • Dharamk (Kangra)
  • Sundernagar and Alsindi (Mandi)
  • Kothipura (Bilaspur)
  • Radinan, Naura Dhar, Nandi Ar (Sirmaur)

Cement Factories in Himachal Pradesh:

  • ACC in Barmana (Bilaspur)
  • Ambuja in Darlaghat (Solan)
  • Jaypee in Bagha (Solan)
  • CCI in Rajban (Sirmaur)

Upcoming Cement Projects:

  • Sundernagar and Alsindi (Mandi)
  • Broh Sind (Chamba)
  • Chopal area (Shimla), with a project by Reliance Cementation Private Ltd.

Dolomite (Calcium Magnesium Carbonate CaMg(CO₂)²)

Dolomite is used for various purposes, including:

  • As an ornamental stone
  • As a concrete aggregate
  • As a source of magnesium oxide
  • In petroleum reservoir rock

Found in:

  • Kothipura and Panjota blocks (Bilaspur)
  • Nalagarh (Solan)

Pyrite (FeS₂)

Also known as fool’s gold, pyrite is used in the manufacturing of sulphuric acid.

Found near:

  • Tara Devi (Shimla)


Himachal Pradesh boasts a rich industrial and mineral wealth, with prominent industrial areas like Parwanoo, Nalagarh, and Baddi in Solan, and significant mineral deposits such as limestone and dolomite. The state’s cement industry is well-developed, with major factories and several upcoming projects. Additionally, pyrite is another notable mineral found in the region. This information is crucial for government exam aspirants preparing for exams related to geography, industry, and economic development in Himachal Pradesh.

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